Below are some mildly interesting stats about the blog:
3352 days have passed between the first post and the most recent post.
There has been a total of 195 posts.
137 of these are linked, 58 are non-linked.
There has been 31 posts on a Monday, 29 on a Tuesday, 25 on a Wednesday, 37 on a Thursday, 42 on a Friday, 21 on a Saturday and 10 on a Sunday.
There has been 26 posts in the month of January, 18 in February, 16 in March, 17 in April, 14 in May, 16 in June, 16 in July, 11 in August, 14 in September, 15 in October, 14 in November and 18 in December.
37622 words have been written.
The average word count per post is 192.
The longest post is “Apple Watch Series 6” with 769 words.